Is there a particular way to publish my Tap Forms Data to a Webpage?
I am thinking export the CSV file to my sever, than looping through the records (plus adding custom sorting display etc.).
For the images use a hard coded url to dropbox or my server.?
Any best practices, or ideas
Hi LogBuyer,
That sounds reasonable to me. You’ll have to get the images out of Tap Forms of course using iTunes File Sharing. But the CSV export will contain the name of the image file which you can reference in your web site. However, the file name is the original size file name, so you may need to have something that creates thumbnail images for you. The original size images would be way too large for a website if you’re displaying them in a list or something.
Not for this next update, but for the update after, I’ve been working on adding web services support to Tap Forms. So you would be able to post a Tap Forms record to a web service which is capable of accepting a JSON formatted request. It may be in version 3.0.1, but didn’t quite make it fully baked into 3.0.
Has the web services support been added yet?
Hi Da,
You can use the Scripting functionality to post any Tap Forms content to a web service now.
See the scripting topic in the online user manual here:
There’s functions for posting and getting content from any web service. There’s even an example script on that page that shows you how to call out to a web service to fetch movie data given a barcode value.