Vacuum Database is failing

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  • June 12, 2015 at 1:06 PM #13993

    Shelly Yomano

    I have created a large form, and in the process of testing different character formats to correctly import csv data I have created and deleted the form quite a few times. My database size is now 3.2GB, and the “real” data is perhaps a few hundred MB at most.

    Now when I run the Vacuum Database utility from Database Maintenance (on a 63GB iPhone6) it runs for a minute or two and then TapForms closes itself. When I open it back up, it appears nothing has changed.

    I can, and have, run Analyze DB and Re-Index DB, and Re-biuld Search Index, but I need to recover space by vacuuming. I have tried a dozen times, same failure each time.

    Is there a limit in SQLite to the database size for “vacuuming”? Any suggestions?


    June 13, 2015 at 3:43 PM #13995

    Frank Tikket

    I am having the same problem where my database is artificially inflating in size but nothing is being added to the database…

    June 13, 2015 at 8:29 PM #13996


    Hi Shelley,

    I would recommend copying your database file out to your Mac and loading it into Tap Forms Mac and vacuuming it there. It will have more memory.

    Or alternatively you can use a tool such as to vacuum it.

    The iPhone doesn’t have enough internal memory to be able to vacuum a file that big.

    June 15, 2015 at 9:07 AM #14008

    Shelly Yomano

    Since I have a PC, the Mac option isn’t available.

    Having some problems, but I am hoping to get it all synced to my iPad (taking many, many hours) and then do the vacuum from there.

    I’ll keep you informed, but if the iPad fails also, is there a PC-based solution?


    June 15, 2015 at 9:52 PM #14016


    You can do the Vacuum Database on a PC too. I just don’t use a PC, so I’m not very familiar with any PC apps.

    Although there’s one from that has a Windows version with a Vacuum Database button:



    June 16, 2015 at 7:41 AM #14022

    Shelly Yomano


    I am in the midst of vacuuming the database on my PC, using SQLite Studio.

    Assuming this works properly, how do I get this file back in place within the app? Do I use iTunes to replace the db file that is there (since I used iTunes to get this copy of the file onto my PC)?



    June 16, 2015 at 1:49 PM #14024

    Shelly Yomano


    After much trial-n-error with SQLite Studio, DropBox, iTunes, PC, and mobile devices, it now is fixed! The 3.2GB database is now 260MB and syncs between iPad and iPhone. And vacuum and other db maintenance utilities work.

    Thanks for your suggestions, Brendan


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