Transferring Records

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  • February 10, 2016 at 2:14 PM #15907


    Is there a way to transfer records from one form to another?


    February 10, 2016 at 6:00 PM #15915


    Hi Caat,

    I’m sorry but there isn’t.

    What is the reason you want to do this? Is it to organize your records into sub-lists by some specific criteria? If so, then Saved Searches will do that for you. You just have to setup the criteria you want to use to filter the records.

    The only other way is to export and then import your records (making sure NOT to export the Record IDs).



    February 10, 2016 at 7:16 PM #15916


    My client list is growing, and I’d like to, for one thing, set up another form that separates the reasons they’ve called.

    February 10, 2016 at 8:39 PM #15918


    Well that’s the sort of thing that Saved Searches are ideal for. They help you to break down your big lists into multiple smaller lists, but each smaller list inheriting the same field structure as the main form. Then all you need to do is have a field which you put some values in that uniquely identifies one record type from another. So in your case, a Reason field.

    February 10, 2016 at 9:58 PM #15919


    Not ideal, since I actually have two completely different services I offer and wanted to split those up, for many reasons. It’s not just about searching, it’s about reorganizing. I guess this will have to do for now, and little by little I will have to transfer them manually.

    Thanks for the timely info.

    February 11, 2016 at 12:43 AM #15920


    Do you mean that your different types of records have different sets of fields? If so then you would need separate forms for sure. But then copying from one form to the other where there are different fields wouldn’t make sense anyway.

    You can copy and paste the content from the multi-column list view in one form and paste it into another though. It won’t handle complex data such as file attachments, link to form fields, photos, etc. But it will handle basic text, number, & date data. What it does is puts a tab delisted set of values onto the clipboard. When the paste detects you have some text on the clipboard that’s tab delimited, it will put the data into the appropriate fields. So the fields pretty much need to be the same types in the same order. It would be like typing in the data yourself one cell at a time, but much faster.

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