The predefined list of valuta works great, but I would like to have a valuta token of a $ without the country prefix. If I use American Dollar I get US$ 12,34. In lists this doesn’t look fine.
Maybe possible to add a “clean” $-token in the list?
In the field properties, if you pick Number Format “Currency Style” and Currency 0 “<Unspecified>”. that should fix it.
Thanks Jim for your tip, but I use the Dutch version of TapForms, an “undefined currency” results in a € token in my situation. But I want to have a $ token as valuta token.
Hi Hans,
This is caused by the operating system. I’m not explicitly prefixing the currency symbol with the country code. It just happens.
When you have Currency set to Unspecified, it uses whatever your local region’s currency settings are set to on your device. I guess Apple prefixes with the country code so you can distinguish between US $, CA $, AU $, etc.
But I’ve been thinking about adding customizable number formatters, like how I just added customizable date formatters.
I believe the symbol used for currency is defined in System Preferences>Language and Region. In the advanced tab there’s a dropdown for currency. You might try setting that to US $ while leaving your language setting as is. But that could mess up other applications.
Indeed found out that “Unspecified” comes with your default language/currency. But as Jim stated I cannot change that because of other applications which have to use the € sign.
>> But I’ve been thinking about adding customizable number formatters,
>> like how I just added customizable date formatters
That would be the solution Bredan!
Thanks all for thinking with me.