Have two forms linked — customer & product..
Product is populated with >1000 items. Customer just a few.
Form, Customer has a link to form Product field called Product
, when i click on the Product field i then get a popup which is not populated… two choices, new or import,export etc… when i add then a new form is created but based upon the product form already created… no list of products already loaded. When i import, then ooops, all 1000+ records are then associated with that customer record…(wrong)…
My hope is that i can use the sub-from(product) like a picklist with multiple selects, so only those items(products) are associated with each distonct customer.
Hello David,
You’ll need to use a Many-to-Many link type to do what you want. Then instead of a + to add a new record to the linked form, you’ll see a check mark to select records from your pre-existing form.
Hi Brendan,
Wow…that is such an elegant way to do and that has just made my whole system work.
btw.. it’s my own intrepetation of a CRM system.