Photo not showing in copied record

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  • Author
  • March 11, 2020 at 6:39 AM #39843

    Wonnie Bad


    I created a script (actually copied, pasted and adjusted one of Sam’s wonderworks) to copy records from one form to another.
    In the copied record a photo sometimes shows, other times it won’t show.
    It will show the size, and the name, just not the image itself.

    Is this a known bug, is there a workaround? I ask because I’m not entirely sure I understand all that’s being said (being Dutch, and all) also the answer to some of the search result for this topic are hidden behind the ‘become a beta member’ wall. Which I wouldn’t mind :)

    Best regards,

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    March 11, 2020 at 10:12 PM #39860


    Hi Wonnie,

    Can you please email me your form template so I can take a look at it for you?

    I just examined my code related to this and when you call record.getFieldValue() for a Photo field, Tap Forms will take note of the source record and then when you call record.setFieldValue(), Tap Forms will get the attachment from the source record and set it on the destination record.



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