Numerical order

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  • Author
  • July 5, 2024 at 7:29 AM #50883

    Bryan Robinson

    I have a database in which I record entries to an art exhibition.  The details are added as the applications arrive and are automatically sorted into alphabetical order on Surname.  At the close of the application process, I wish to add a further field ‘Catalogue Number’ which is the same order as the Surname order.  Is there a simple way of doing this?



    July 5, 2024 at 7:32 PM #50886


    Hi Bryan,

    You’d have to add the Number field and then fill in the numbers sequentially. However, if you have the Mac version, you could easily copy and paste a sequence of numbers by using Excel or Numbers to easily generate the number sequence down one column. Then copy the sequence of numbers and then in Tap Forms, switch to the multi-column list view, click the first record in that Number field and then paste. Tap Forms will copy the values from the clipboard to all of the records.

    If you’re interested in scripting, then you could also write a Form Script that loops through all your records and sets the sequence value that way.


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