Hi Brendan,
When in MCLV mode with TF window full of records the following happens:
1. Bottom row showing Last Uploaded/Downloaded message becomes hidden.
We are not able to see anymore:
A. Last Uploaded/Downloaded message
B. Toggle Favorite icon
C. Selected Record Number; only the Records total
Could we have this row always visible?
2. The row above bottom row, showing the Color Picker becomes hidden too.
A. We cannot select the color picker.
It would be good if we could have the color picker always visible:
i. Having it’s row always visible, or
ii. Having it on the row with “refresh records list” icon if you think it makes sense.
Anyway this is a minor issue because if we select the color picker before having the screen full of records the color picker window shows up on a floating window and we can use it when we need.
3. Selecting several records.
A. Another issue is that with the screen full of records when selecting several records we are not able to see the number of records selected.
I’ll see about preventing it from being expanded all the way down so that the bottom of the record details screen is always visible.