Is there a way to enter the gps coordinates to enter location or at least modify the coordinates it assigns. Some locations I want to enter do are not an actual street address just coordinates that could be any where?
Hello Samd12,
I’ll take that as a feature request because at the moment the only way to do that would be to import your location coordinates in a CSV file.
To see the format required, first do a CSV export of your records, then take a look at the file in a text editor or Excel or Numbers then replicate that format for a file you’d like to import.
Hi – could you explain a bit more about how the location field works? The pin doesn’t seem to stay in the place where I drop it, instead finds a nearby residential address, similarly when I move the pin around it behaves strangely and doesn’t stay where I drop it (if I exit the record and go back into it.)
Hello Malcolm,
You have to tap the Save button for it to remember where you dropped the pin. I also do an address lookup when you drag and drop the pin. Sometimes the Save button doesn’t light up when you do this. I’ll fix that.
Hi Brendan – thanks again – I’ve had another play around with it and I see what you mean about the save button, and I realised I can easily delete the residential details that autopopulate.