Is to possible to move a form to a different document?

Tap Forms – Organizer Database App for Mac, iPhone, and iPad Forums Using Tap Forms Is to possible to move a form to a different document?

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  • October 23, 2017 at 12:37 PM #25525


    I made a form in the wrong place. How easy is to to move it to a different document?
    It’s not a major problem if I can’t, because the form is very new and empty, but it would be handy to know how to do it anyway.

    October 23, 2017 at 12:55 PM #25527


    Hi Daffy,

    Sure. You can use the Export Tap Forms Archive command in the File menu to create a .tfarc file.

    Then open your other document and then use the Import Tap Forms Archive command to import it.



    October 23, 2017 at 1:27 PM #25530


    Ahh, it’s easy when you know how! lol
    Thank you :)

    October 29, 2017 at 12:34 AM #25644

    Chris Brown

    I have a similar issue and tried to follow your instructions above but I can’t be doing it right as it didn’t work. To test this out, I created a new document and used the export/import Tap Forms Archive command to relocate the House Inventory Folder to this newly created form, but nothing happened?
    I have successfully used the Bento Importer to migrate from Bento to TF 5 on my Mac. This has synced to my iPad but the folder has been placed into the ‘Samples Forms’ document. I would have preferred it to be placed into a new, dedicated document but due my initial ignorance of using Taps Forms, I did’t appreciate what was happening.
    I now have my recipes (263 records with 30% containing images) sitting in the sample forms document and would appreciate guidance on how to move the folder to a new dedicated document. Please bear in mind I am a newby to Tap Forms.
    Thanks, loving the app.

    October 29, 2017 at 12:49 AM #25647

    Chris Brown

    Just to clarify further, having followed the ‘export/import’ procedure, the new form appeared in the new document, but has not synced with my iPad. Sync is working fine but when I created the new document, it has not synced?

    October 29, 2017 at 10:35 PM #25652


    Hi Chris,

    Ok, so you were able to copy the form from one document to the other successfully now? That’s what I’m gathering from your most recent post.

    Did you enable sync on the new document?

    October 30, 2017 at 12:19 AM #25659

    Chris Brown

    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly Brendan.
    On my Mac the new form (New Inventory) appears OK having been copied from the one in ‘Sample Forms’ document using the export/import method you described, I have enabled sync. but the document has not synced over to my iPad. Effectively it has not ‘moved over’ to the iPad.
    As a learning exercise, I followed your guidance step by step, on creating a new document explained in your Vimeo tutorial on Taps 5.1, enabled sync but again this new document did not sync over to the iPad..!

    Not sure what is happening (or not, as the case may be).

    October 30, 2017 at 12:15 PM #25663



    Do you have the same Apple ID iCloud account setup on your Mac and your iPad?

    Try rebooting the iPad and see if that makes it work. Do a full power off, then power on.

    When you launch Tap Forms, you should see the placeholder documents appear.

    October 30, 2017 at 2:52 PM #25666

    Chris Brown

    Like magic, the new document appears….! I rebooted the ipad as you suggested and the document appeared.

    Many thanks for all you help and patience. This give me confidence to move forward with the app.

    October 30, 2017 at 5:04 PM #25667


    It’s possible that for some reason your device stopped receiving notifications from Apple’s Push Notification Server. Rebooting it fixed that.

    October 31, 2017 at 12:01 AM #25673

    Chris Brown

    I’m not quite sure I understand your last post, but I am thankful for your help and in future I would consider rebooting as a means of resolving an issue.

    Thanks again.

    October 31, 2017 at 1:33 AM #25676


    Hi Chris,

    When a change is made in iCloud, Apple sends out a push notification to all the apps that have registered to receive these notifications. With Apple’s CloudKit system that I use in Tap Forms, the notifications are “silent”. That means they don’t display a notice that you can see, but they are still sent just like any other notification you might receive. I have noticed that sometimes I just stop receiving them on my device. A reboot resolves the problem and things sync again. You can tell that this is happening if you make a change on one device and the other device doesn’t update within a few seconds. Yet closing the document and re-opening it again does trigger a sync. That’s because push notifications are no longer being received by Tap Forms. The reboot fixes that. At least for me, I’ve found.

    November 1, 2017 at 12:15 AM #25681

    Chris Brown

    Hi Brendan
    Thanks for taking the time to explain this for me. I certainly helps my learning.
    All is well with Tap Form 5 chez nous.

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