Hello. I’m new to TapForms and don’t know much about programming languages.
I tried to create a database where I have some information. Every record has a unique field that starts with a number followed by three letters. Example: 12FDF 1242FRD 1GRP 4533YRL. Also, every record has an unique url field that opens another app.
I’d like to be able, in an iOS Shortcut, to insert just the number (not the letters) (ex: 123) and have it search these fields for a matching one (ex: 123TSD) and then retrieve that url field of that same record.
How can I do this?
Thank you in advance
This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by
Tiago Relva.
Hi Tiago,
The shortcuts function in Tap Forms for iOS will only allow you to call to a Form script. On the Form Script Editor there’s a function for adding the script to Siri. You would need to write a script to search your records for the one that matches your criteria.
It’s no small task though for someone without a programming background. You can take a look at the Scripting instructions here though: