brand new to javascript, but I’m reading a lot.
so, I have this richtext
\cocoatextscaling0\cocoaplatform0{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 FiraSansCondensed-Regular;}
\f0\fs24 \cf2 <placeholder>}
I don’t quite know how to convert that to an object variable that can be used with setNoteFieldValue.
Hi Lane,
requires either plain text or an NSAttributedString. However, that rich text can’t really be converted to an NSAttributedString in JavaScript as far as I know. So you’ll be better off just using plain text.
Thanks Brendan,
I’ve found that once I’ve applied styles to a Note field I can no longer paste plain text into it. There is no error in the console about this. It just doesn’t happen.
In the other sub forum you mentioned
I suppose you could make a record that has the settings you want in your Note field and then duplicate that record whenever you want to make a new record? You would need a bit of text in there, even a space character for the attributed string to remember its settings.
I’ve been trying that, but I can’t see a way to append text to it in your javascript API, and with the fact I can’t even replace it with plain text once it’s been styled is going to force me in the long run to figure out how to convert richtext into an NSAttributedString.
I have another idea for this I’m going to explore.