Importing files

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  • Author
  • April 12, 2022 at 8:25 AM #47101

    Bryan Robinson

    I have a database for an art exhibition which gives the name of the artist, title of painting and exhibition number. Another member of the team organises the position of the artwork on the wall (, wall, position on wall) which is then available as an excel file. I wish to import this data into my database using the exhibition number as the link to incorporate it. However when I use the normal import process the data simple adds to the existing number of items rather than integrating with the existing fields. Is it possible or am I doing something wrong?



    April 13, 2022 at 9:13 PM #47106


    Hello Bryan,

    So you want to be able to update records from a CSV file? If so, you’ll have to first export the data you have from Tap Forms and include the Record IDs in the export file. Then when someone edits that file and you re-import it, Tap Forms will update records that have a matching Record ID. New rows in the CSV file will be added to the form.

    There’s a setting on the Export Records screen to export the Record IDs. The CSV file will have a new column called form_record_id. That contains the unique Record ID for every record and it’s what Tap Forms uses to match up with existing records during import.



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