If and

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  • March 24, 2021 at 4:35 AM #43922

    Victor Warner

    The database I use for some of my work has

    1. a form which contains client contact details (this has separate sections for contact details for company clients and then individual clients)
    2. a second form which contains the individual jobs
    3. there is a Link to Form field from 1 to 2.

    In the jobs form I have a section which contains details of invoicing and I want to pull in the first name and address from the client contact form.

    There are separate first name and email addresses fields in the client contact form for companies and individuals.

    In the jobs form I wish to create a script the text of the email and would use the first name and address within the script (which I then export as CSV, and using Keyboard Maestro automatically create the email and automatically attach the invoice)

    I have created a script where I have pulled in the fields from the client contact details and wish to create an if statement which selects the first name and email of whether the client is a company or an individual.

    However, the script only produces ‘undefined’ although I know when I use the actual fields from the client contact form the console.log returns the correct information.

    The script is as follows:

    // Form ID
    var client_contact_details_id = 'fld-c53e48e48e3a40c7a5656ab92f39ecc9';
    var result = '';
    var EmailAddressRecord = record.getFieldValue(client_contact_details_id);
    var email_id = 'fld-8f9a928a7d554527b4127ef811136210';
    var emailaddressfield = EmailAddressRecord.getFieldValue(email_id);
    result = emailaddressfield;
    var client_first_name_and_email_address_details = record.getFieldValue(client_contact_details_id)
    //Company details
    // company name
    var company_name_id = 'fld-a3300e3db044421598ae171c0a2d4834';
    var company_name=client_first_name_and_email_address_details.getFieldValue(company_name_id);
    // first name of company contact
    var first_name_company_contact_id = 'fld-24ee4dae33d941bf81e1667853a7a949';
    var first_name_company_contact=client_first_name_and_email_address_details.getFieldValue(first_name_company_contact_id);
    // email address of company contact
    var email_company_contact_id = 'fld-8cfa7613f04f4a8b82652bc27f3c05df';
    var email_company = client_first_name_and_email_address_details.getFieldValue(email_company_contact_id);
    //Individual details
    // first name of individual
    var first_name_id = 'fld-45599a4f0a6342d8973faed53dfbfed8';
    var first_name = client_first_name_and_email_address_details.getFieldValue(first_name_id);
    // Email address of individual
    var email_id = 'fld-8f9a928a7d554527b4127ef811136210';
    var email_individual = client_first_name_and_email_address_details.getFieldValue(email_id);
    if (company_name == null) {
    var Dear_Name = first_name_company_contact;
    var Email_to_send_invoice = email_company;
    } else {
    var Dear_Name = first_name;
    var Email_to_send_invoice = email_individual;
    // console.log(yesnot);
    console.log(Dear_Name + " " + Email_to_send_invoice);

    Running the script produces:

    24/03/2021, 11:36:03 / Notarial Act / Email adress for invoice
    undefined undefined

    Help would be gratefully received.

    March 24, 2021 at 11:14 PM #43927

    Sam Moffatt

    I think what might be happening is that you’re getting tricked up by Javascript variable scope, it doesn’t feel right but you’re declaring the Dear_Name and Email_to_send_invoice inside the if statement. I would personally probably declare these at the top and maybe put a sentinel value in:

    // Return values
    var Dear_Name = "Placeholder";
    var Email_to_send_invoice = "test@example.com";

    This would then go to validate that they’re being overwritten properly. I don’t think that’s your problem here but it’s an approach I’d take as a first pass.

    The second pass is rewriting so that the branches are a little more clear. You’re setting up a bunch of variables at the top of the script and then using a smaller if statement at the bottom so it’s hard to know which statements belong to the block. My next step is a rewrite to try to group the variables together:

    // Return values
    var Dear_Name = "Placeholder";
    var Email_to_send_invoice = "test@example.com";
    // Form ID
    var client_contact_details_id = 'fld-c53e48e48e3a40c7a5656ab92f39ecc9';
    var client_first_name_and_email_address_details = record.getFieldValue(client_contact_details_id)
    //Company details
    // company name
    var company_name_id = 'fld-a3300e3db044421598ae171c0a2d4834';
    var company_name = client_first_name_and_email_address_details.getFieldValue(company_name_id);
    if (company_name == null) {
        // first name of company contact
        var first_name_company_contact_id = 'fld-24ee4dae33d941bf81e1667853a7a949';
        var first_name_company_contact = client_first_name_and_email_address_details.getFieldValue(first_name_company_contact_id);
        // email address of company contact
        var email_company_contact_id = 'fld-8cfa7613f04f4a8b82652bc27f3c05df';
        var email_company = client_first_name_and_email_address_details.getFieldValue(email_company_contact_id);
        Dear_Name = first_name_company_contact;
        Email_to_send_invoice = email_company;
    } else {
        //Individual details
        // first name of individual
        var first_name_id = 'fld-45599a4f0a6342d8973faed53dfbfed8';
        var first_name = client_first_name_and_email_address_details.getFieldValue(first_name_id);
        // Email address of individual
        var email_id = 'fld-8f9a928a7d554527b4127ef811136210';
        var email_individual = client_first_name_and_email_address_details.getFieldValue(email_id);
        Dear_Name = first_name;
        Email_to_send_invoice = email_individual;
    console.log(Dear_Name + " " + Email_to_send_invoice);

    There was some dead code at the top that I eliminated along the way which makes it a little easier to follow.

    I put in a console.log(company_name) to see what is in that variable so I would know what pathway to take. You’ve got a couple of the console.log statements but I’d probably beef it up to make sure what you get back from getFieldValue is set to a value.

    The last step is to make sure all of the field ID’s make sense. You’re not getting any runtime errors so the client_first_name_and_email_address_details field is set to a correct value but I’d double check the other ID fields. It’s easy to accidentally hook up the wrong fields (in fact I have it on video!) so it never hurts to go back and double check. Keep in mind that Tap Forms won’t give you an error if you give it a field ID that isn’t set in the record, it’ll return undefined. One other trick I have here is that in my Script Manager is a Form Logger that can output variables similar to the Tap Form’s Script Editor but prefixed with the form name as well, e.g.:

    // Boxes
    var boxes_formID = "frm-8ba92c77b5e8476a987945f40ff2b41a";
    var boxes__title_fldID = "fld-e289240daccc40409d75aee26493110c"; // text
    var boxes__box_id_fldID = "fld-f25492cf56384369b278f7ea41ee258f"; // text
    var boxes__note_fldID = "fld-69754dee7e9247e0b3087e2526881626"; // note
    var boxes__dimensions_fldID = "fld-3e5e30f1d352495f989cc0dc1b306128"; // text
    var boxes__box_type_fldID = "fld-97b2ab2bdbb1400d9384c7634e7c6d48"; // text
    var boxes__box_photos_fldID = "fld-72a520cff50a4bbd92f1e8ff6eec91db"; // photo
    var boxes__box_is_full_fldID = "fld-c824d1ff2ced4b948b5907e0a4804bca"; // check_mark
    var boxes__purchases_fldID = "fld-482c4f5c71ba4cd7a06c32d1c1d7d983"; // form
    var boxes__containing_box_fldID = "fld-fe868108cdd844d895ea982e820b346c"; // text
    var boxes__boxes_fldID = "fld-74466a4b96dc43b4bcbe153646b76911"; // form
    var boxes__tracking_number_fldID = "fld-54af5c1e20e14d20a7c82a40679a2a8a"; // text
    var boxes__shipments_in_box_fldID = "fld-bc84b43e3cf649cdb27e4085b401aa2b"; // form

    It makes it clear which field a variable is from because I ended up running into situations where it was hard to keep track of the forms for which a field applied. It also includes the field type as an extra hint which is sometimes useful to be reminded about.

    March 25, 2021 at 3:34 AM #43930

    Victor Warner


    Thank you very much and for the revised code. At first (other than the first console.log) I was still getting “undefined”.

    Then realised that the if statement is the wrong way around for the if part of the if/else:

    if (company_name == null)

    statement the code that follows should not be for the company for the individual.

    After this it works fine.

    Thank you again. I will have to explore your Script Manager Form Logger

    March 25, 2021 at 8:33 PM #43934

    Sam Moffatt

    Great to hear you solved it! The simplest things are sometimes the hardest to find, I did something not dissimilar earlier today where I flipped something that should be less than to greater than though fortunately a test case caught that quickly.

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