Tap Forms – Organizer Database App for Mac, iPhone, and iPad › Forums › Using Tap Forms › Idea to semi-automate triggering of field updates
- This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 months ago by
August 27, 2024 at 8:25 AM #51066
David OxtobyParticipantI can see from previous posts there isn’t an on-form-load trigger event in which I could attach a script to do a series of things or update calculated fields when I open my datbase, but I could make a script which I manually trigger or I manually click refresh records.
I wondered about an idea that might achieve the same thing but allow me a level of automation/scheduling via a backdoor sort of route.
I sync my database with CouchDb (hosted on my NAS), I wonder if I could issue a command to make a tiny edit in the TapForms CouchDb to my database, which would then cascade a refresh to TapForms, and this would then force the calculated fields or scripts to execute.
the Apple Script code to do something to couchdb would be based on:
— Define CouchDB URL and credentials
set couchdbURL to “” — Replace with your CouchDB URL
set couchdbUser to “admin” — Replace with your CouchDB username
set couchdbPassword to “removed” — Replace with your CouchDB password— Create the shell command for the curl request
set curlCommand to “curl -u ” & couchdbUser & “:” & couchdbPassword & ” ” & couchdbURL— Run the shell command
do shell script curlCommand— Optional: Notify completion
display notification “CouchDB refresh request sent” with title “CouchDB Refresh”what I’m not sure, having looked in CouchDb is what or where i’d start to make a tiny tweak. i.e. i could create a dummy field in TapForms I don’t need, but I changed via AppleScript to cascade a refresh.
Thoughts anyone????
This topic was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by
David Oxtoby.
This topic was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by
David Oxtoby.
August 27, 2024 at 9:06 AM #51069
David OxtobyParticipantI’ve a solution that’s a work-in-progress, but in essence I created a dummy field I was happy to sacrifice in TapForms, checked it was created in CouchDb as a Table, and then ran this AppleScript
— Define CouchDB URL and credentials
set couchdbURL to “” — Replace with your CouchDB database URL
set couchdbUser to “admin” — Replace with your CouchDB username
set couchdbPassword to “your password” — Replace with your CouchDB password
— Define the document ID and the field to be updated
set documentID to “fld-0f69d93fa3bd48c99df27375911e2040” — Replace with your field ID
set fieldName to “name” — The field name to update
set fieldValue to “Test” — The new value for the field
— Step 1: Fetch the current document to get the _rev value
set fetchURL to couchdbURL & “/” & documentID
set fetchCommand to “curl -u ” & couchdbUser & “:” & couchdbPassword & ” ” & fetchURL
— Debug: Display fetch command
— display dialog “Fetch Command: ” & fetchCommand
set documentJSON to do shell script fetchCommand
— Debug: Display raw JSON response
— display dialog “Document JSON: ” & documentJSON
— Extract the _rev value from the document JSON using JSON parsing
— Use AppleScript’s
do shell script
to execute a Python command for JSON parsing— Extract the _rev value using Python for robust JSON parsing
set pythonCommand to “python3 -c ‘import json, sys; doc = json.load(sys.stdin); print(doc[\”_rev\”])'”
set revResult to do shell script “echo ” & quoted form of documentJSON & ” | ” & pythonCommand
— Debug: Display extracted _rev value
— display dialog “Document Revision (_rev): ” & revResult
— Step 2: Create the JSON payload for the update
set jsonPayload to “{\”_id\”:\”” & documentID & “\”, \”_rev\”:\”” & revResult & “\”, \”” & fieldName & “\”:\”” & fieldValue & “\”}”
— Debug: Display JSON payload
— display dialog “JSON Payload: ” & jsonPayload
— URL to update the document
set updateURL to couchdbURL & “/” & documentID
— Create the shell command for the curl request
set curlCommand to “curl -X PUT -u ” & couchdbUser & “:” & couchdbPassword & ” -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -d ‘” & jsonPayload & “‘ ” & updateURL
— Debug: Display update command
— display dialog “Update Command: ” & curlCommand
— Run the shell command
set updateResponse to do shell script curlCommand
— Debug: Display update response
— display dialog “Update Response: ” & updateResponse
— Optional: Notify completion
display notification “CouchDB document update request sent” with title “CouchDB Update”
this works, i.e. when run it forces TapForms to update. The one issue I have is that I’ve killed that field so it’s no longer visible at all in TapForms, but is in CouchDb, I think because I didn’t PUT the whole Fields values back, but only the new name (test), but I think it’s a solution, all be it dirtly, and I could then at least creat triggers/schedules for my AppleScript outside of TapForms as/when needed.
This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by
David Oxtoby.
This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by
David Oxtoby.
August 27, 2024 at 9:25 AM #51072
David OxtobyParticipantfor anyone following, I fixed my killed field in couchdb, so it now appears back in TapForms; here is the AppleScript for anyone following; obviously, you’ll need to tweak your own values into the curl command to reflect your TapForm values etc.
— Define CouchDB URL and credentials
set couchdbURL to “” — Replace with your CouchDB database URL
set couchdbUser to “admin” — Replace with your CouchDB username
set couchdbPassword to “antony” — Replace with your CouchDB password
— Define the document ID and the fields to be updated
set documentID to “fld-0f69d93fa3bd48c99df27375911e2040” — Replace with your document ID
set fieldName to “name” — The field name to update
set fieldValue to “Test” — The new value for the field
— Step 1: Fetch the current document to get the _rev value
set fetchURL to couchdbURL & “/” & documentID
set fetchCommand to “curl -u ” & couchdbUser & “:” & couchdbPassword & ” ” & fetchURL
— Debug: Display fetch command
— display dialog “Fetch Command: ” & fetchCommand
set documentJSON to do shell script fetchCommand
— Debug: Display raw JSON response
— display dialog “Document JSON: ” & documentJSON
— Extract the _rev value from the document JSON using Python for robust JSON parsing
set pythonCommand to “python3 -c ‘import json, sys; doc = json.load(sys.stdin); print(doc[\”_rev\”])'”
set revResult to do shell script “echo ” & quoted form of documentJSON & ” | ” & pythonCommand
— Debug: Display extracted _rev value
— display dialog “Document Revision (_rev): ” & revResult
— Step 2: Create the JSON payload for the update, including additional fields
set jsonPayload to “{\”_id\”:\”” & documentID & “\”, \”_rev\”:\”” & revResult & “\”, ” & ¬
“\”isPlainTextNote\”:0, ” & ¬
“\”autoCorrect\”:true, ” & ¬
“\”decimalPlaces\”:0, ” & ¬
“\”shouldEmail\”:1, ” & ¬
“\”sortOrder\”:16, ” & ¬
“\”sortField1Direction\”:\”asc\”, ” & ¬
“\”printColumnWidth\”:80, ” & ¬
“\”dbID\”:\”db-1a619b6d486c466c9fc32a1b4a494f00\”, ” & ¬
“\”iconWidth\”:42, ” & ¬
“\”listViewPosition\”:0, ” & ¬
“\”photoQuality\”:1, ” & ¬
“\”multiEnabled\”:true, ” & ¬
“\”numberOfLines\”:5, ” & ¬
“\”type\”:\”TFField\”, ” & ¬
“\”photoWidth\”:0, ” & ¬
“\”autoIncrement\”:false, ” & ¬
“\”form\”:\”frm-76434fe883654a209512d39f2f716d87\”, ” & ¬
“\”pickListColumns\”:1, ” & ¬
“\”” & fieldName & “\”:\”” & fieldValue & “\”, ” & ¬
“\”formulaReturnType\”:0, ” & ¬
“\”inputControlType\”:\”default\”, ” & ¬
“\”shouldPrint\”:1, ” & ¬
“\”fieldType\”:\”text\”, ” & ¬
“\”useAutoComplete\”:false, ” & ¬
“\”shouldExport\”:1, ” & ¬
“\”incrementAmount\”:1, ” & ¬
“\”enableDataDetectors\”:1, ” & ¬
“\”deviceName\”:\”David’s Mac Studio\”, ” & ¬
“\”labelColour\”:\”0xFF4C4C4C\”, ” & ¬
“\”viewSettingsInfo\”: {\”columns\”: {\”show\”:true,\”sort\”:16}}” & ¬
— Debug: Display JSON payload
— display dialog “JSON Payload: ” & jsonPayload
— URL to update the document
set updateURL to couchdbURL & “/” & documentID
— Create the shell command for the curl request
set curlCommand to “curl -X PUT -u ” & couchdbUser & “:” & couchdbPassword & ” -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -d ‘” & jsonPayload & “‘ ” & updateURL
— Debug: Display update command
— display dialog “Update Command: ” & curlCommand
— Run the shell command
set updateResponse to do shell script curlCommand
— Debug: Display update response
— display dialog “Update Response: ” & updateResponse
— Optional: Notify completion
display notification “CouchDB document update request sent” with title “CouchDB Update”
August 27, 2024 at 1:06 PM #51073
JScottAParticipantSkimming through the thread, you may have already addressed your initial question yourself. However, I thought I might share what the TF5 Assistant gave me on the initial trigger question…maybe that will help you in the future:
Tap Forms does not explicitly mention an “on-form-load trigger event” like those found in some other database or development environments. However, you can achieve similar functionality through the use of scripts. In Tap Forms, you can write JavaScript that can be manually triggered or set up to run under specific conditions, but it lacks the automated “on-load” trigger directly tied to the form’s loading.
For more detailed scripting capabilities, you may need to manually execute scripts when the form loads or tie the script execution to a specific user action within the form. This can be done using the JavaScript API that Tap Forms provides.
If you need further customization or a workaround, I recommend checking out the JavaScript API section of the Tap Forms documentation starting on page 53, which outlines how you can implement custom scripts [oai_citation:1,1328_16794_en_1538683502.pdf](file-service://file-15C3MsaZPdU2JvfF2hiej31w).
August 28, 2024 at 1:30 AM #51075
David OxtobyParticipantThx, my triggering via a ‘touch’ of CouchDb worked via AppleScript at a scheduled time, in that it forced TapForms to ‘refresh’, but it didn’t trigger a Formula Recalculation… more work needed.
August 28, 2024 at 2:35 AM #51076
David OxtobyParticipantUpdate, so worked out how to touch the field in couchdb in which a calculated field uses it’s value in the hope that this would force, when there’s a sync between couchdb and tapforms, and the field value is updated, that the calculated field value would also trigger a recalculation, but…. it doesn’t. So it looks like, if I want a calculated field to be updated via any form of trigger or schedule it’s not possible, unless I press the Recalculate Formulas button in TF…. i guess I could write directly to the calculated fields in the records in CouchDb, but that’s a bit brute-force(ish).
August 28, 2024 at 6:04 AM #51077
David OxtobyParticipantupdate, somethings should be left alone…. but you know what it is, down the rabbit hole. anyway I have worked out how to do what I needed, which is update a calculated field outside of tapforms, here we go if anyone else wants to go down this road.
my situation. i have a days left until a given date calculated field (i.e. days until insurance due or MOT due), that I didn’t want to have to trigger a Formula Recalculation through pressing the button in TF manually, but wanted this to happen daily somehow. (the rest of the record in TF stays fairly static so nothing gets changed to often to force a refresh/update of the calculated fields).
my solution was to find a way to make the change to the calculated field value via CouchDb instead, which works ok.
the steps in summary are.
1. identify the id of fields in TF (for me:
fld-555b6e75e1f0483ead9ca9cc2c122569 is my calculated field, i.e. days left to go
fld-c09f1fbc054647859d811dfdd228abea is my date field I’m using to do the above
2. create a view document in CouchDB to find all documents (records) that contain that field id
3. create an update function/document in CouchDB to update the designated field value with the new value you want
4. create a script (for me AppleScript) to execute daily, to make those changes in CouchDb.
if you’re still reading, here’s some more details.
my search document in couchdb:
“_id”: “_design/search_view”,
“_rev”: “20-301796ba60a199c905367bf1fadefe83”,
“views”: {
“search_view”: {
“map”: “function(doc) {\n function searchValue(value) {\n if (typeof value === ‘object’ && value !== null) {\n for (var key in value) {\n if (value.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n if (key === \”fld-555b6e75e1f0483ead9ca9cc2c122569\” || searchValue(value[key])) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n }\n } else if (value === \”fld-555b6e75e1f0483ead9ca9cc2c122569\”) {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n if (searchValue(doc)) {\n emit(doc._id, null);\n }\n}”
“language”: “javascript”
}create the update handler document in couchdb
“_id”: “_design/updates”,
“updates”: {
“recalculateDaysDiff”: “function(doc, req) {\
if (doc.values && doc.values[‘fld-c09f1fbc054647859d811dfdd228abea’] && doc.values[‘fld-c09f1fbc054647859d811dfdd228abea’].date) {\
var targetDate = new Date(doc.values[‘fld-c09f1fbc054647859d811dfdd228abea’].date);\
var currentDate = new Date();\
var timeDiff = targetDate – currentDate;\
var daysDiff = Math.ceil(timeDiff / (1000 * 3600 * 24));\
doc.values[‘fld-555b6e75e1f0483ead9ca9cc2c122569’] = daysDiff;\
return [doc, ‘Updated the days difference’];\
}now create the AppleScript to use both the view and update documents in couchdb
set dbName to “your-database-name”
set viewName to “_design/search_view/_view/search_view”
set updateHandler to “_design/updates/_update/recalculateDaysDiff”set userName to “your-username”
set userPassword to “your-password”
set baseUrl to “”
set jqPath to “/opt/homebrew/bin/jq” — Use the full path to jq, tool to help split records returned— Create the URL to query the view for document IDs starting with “rec”
set queryUrl to baseUrl & dbName & “/” & viewName & “?startkey=%22rec%22&endkey=%22rec%5Cufff0%22”— Fetch the document IDs using the full path to jq
set docIds to do shell script “curl -s -u ” & userName & “:” & userPassword & ” \”” & queryUrl & “\” | ” & jqPath & ” -r ‘.rows[].id'”— Convert the result to a list of IDs
set docIdList to paragraphs of docIds— Loop through each ID and trigger the update handler
repeat with docId in docIdList
set updateUrl to baseUrl & dbName & “/” & updateHandler & “/” & docId
do shell script “curl -X PUT -u ” & userName & “:” & userPassword & ” \”” & updateUrl & “\””
end repeat— Notify the user that the script has finished successfully
display notification “Document updates have been processed successfully.” with title “Script Completed”when this runs it updates all the records in couchdb with my newly calculated field, and this then triggers the sync with TF and I see the updated values appear without me need to manually click any forms of Recalculate Formula’s button.
obviously this is for sharing and learning together, but please use with care if helpful.
This reply was modified 6 months ago by
David Oxtoby.
This reply was modified 6 months ago by
David Oxtoby.
August 28, 2024 at 8:20 PM #51084
BrendanKeymasterOh wow, that’s a lot of work you did there.
Would it maybe be easier to write the Apple Script to just trigger the menu command within Tap Forms to recalculate the formulas?
But also, you have to trigger your script yourself anyway, or do you have that on a timer or something?
This topic was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by
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