How to call another API


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  • July 7, 2024 at 12:00 PM #50897

    Fabio Puissant

    Hi, I am quite new to Tap Forms. I wanted to know, since using JavaScript is an option, if you are able to use fetch (or another JS API) to make an HTTP Request.

    I have a client using tap forms 5 and has some renewal_date column. I wanted to automate sending out emails on this renewal date. I wrote a script already to find records that are passed the renewal_date. Now, I have a webhook expecting some record data (email, client_No, renawal_date, …). I would like a way to make an HTTP request to my webhook providing the record data saved in tap form.

    Could anyone advice me please as I don’t find a way to do it. Is this even possible in TapForm??

    Many thanks!

    July 7, 2024 at 8:31 PM #50903

    Daniel Leu

    You could use Utils.postContentToUrlWithContentType() or Utils.postJsonToUrl() to post content to your server. Both API functions are documented in

    July 9, 2024 at 12:45 PM #50913

    Fabio Puissant

    Thank you, Daniel Leu. This was indeed what I was looking for! It worked as expected.

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