Form Logger Script

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  • Author
  • October 9, 2019 at 10:41 PM #37038

    Sam Moffatt

    I had a need to get the script field ID which isn’t readily available in the Script Editor and decided to do a quick form script so that I could pick it up later. If you’ve used my ‘Script Manager’ form convention, then just create a new form script in it called ‘Form Logger’.

    You can call it without arguments to get all fields dumped, here’s some sample calling code:

    document.getFormNamed('Script Manager').runScriptNamed('Form Logger');

    If you want to filter by type, you can specify the field type:

    document.getFormNamed('Script Manager').runScriptNamed('Form Logger');
    formLogger.dump({'type': ['script', 'text']});

    And this is it’s output in the console:

    Form Logger: Shipments
    Type Filter: ["script","text"]
    Layout: default
    fld-c487390743c947969cbe661cff596855: text	Tracking Number
    fld-0950c430cb0c41f79c51d43a544b366b: text	Carrier
    fld-7a29242731d9451092c92d8586dbc94a: script	Tracking Details
    fld-dddcdc15e1c44aa4a99bba6314dc7a07: script	Tracking URL Autocomplete
    fld-9bee4fd0919e4b439e7bed8d5a6c1053: script	Tracking Number Reformat
    fld-2cd0296ea0884c8cba3640d8e33f010b: script	Checkbox Flip Flop
    fld-a9a09a61a9e949199e92d47c02fd364c: text	Shipment Order ID
    fld-f7aba3b5ddd6430cb8e9a211e0086c84: script	Date Propagation
    fld-45c8f29ec3214fc5aacbba73e2de3142: script	Order ID FK

    *Note:* This won’t look as formatted in the console because it uses a proportional font.

    Here’s the full script, it’s pretty simple:

    // ========== Form Logger Start ========== //
    // NAME: Form Logger
    // VERSION: 1.0.1
    //   1.0.1: Added support for custom form name and fix for "getId" rename.
     * Method to dump out the field ID's, type and names with the ability to filter by type.
    if (formLogger == undefined)
    var formLogger = (function() {
    	return {
    		dump: function({type = [], layout = 'default', formName = ''} = {})
    			let targetForm = form;
    			if (formName)
    				targetForm = document.getFormNamed(formName);
    			console.log('Form Logger: ' +;
    			console.log('Type Filter: ' + JSON.stringify(type));
    			console.log('Layout: ' + layout);
    	 		var fields = targetForm.getFields();
    			for (field in fields)
    				if (type.length == 0 || type.includes(fields[field].fieldType)) 
    					console.log(fields[field].getId() + ": " + fields[field].fieldType + "\t" + fields[field].name);
    // ========== Form Logger End ========== //

    As you might gather, I want to have a layout additional filter but haven’t gotten there yet. Maybe in a later version.

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