Tap Forms – Organizer Database App for Mac, iPhone, and iPad › Forums › Using Tap Forms › FORM in FORM
- This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 1 month ago by
January 29, 2010 at 3:30 PM #3067
Sorry for my english, i’m an french user, my question is :
Is it possible to insert a form on a form existing ?
With an another database application for iphone, is possible.
If is it possible, thank you to inform me to do this action.
Another question : Existing an PDF notice ?
Thank’s a lot
January 29, 2010 at 8:48 PM #3917
UWS_CIAParticipantIf you’re referring to DB Inheritance then no… It’s planned, I’m waiting for it too.
If you’re talking about converting from another DB app to Tapforms then that would have to be manually transferred / converted to something Tapforms can import from.
Question about PDF… Is this in reference to creating dynamic PDF forms from records in a Form or attaching a PDF file to a forms record?
January 30, 2010 at 10:53 AM #3919
KYFRAN1511ParticipantHello UWS-CIA
Firstly, thank you for your reply
I may be poorly expressed, this is actually what I want to do
I coach children in competitive table tennis,
I created a form containing on the identity of the player
and another form to track meetings
Here are the fields contained in the form “identity”
Name & Surname
License Number
monitoring towers
Here are the fields contained in the form “TRACKING TOURS”
monitoring towers = number
division level = text
date = date
location = location
Final = number
results = text
Game 1 = evaluation
Game 2 = Evaluation
Game 3 = evaluation
Game 4 = evaluation
Game 5 = evaluation
Match 6 = evaluation
Match 7 = evaluation
Match 8 = evaluation
Match 9 = evaluation
Comments = notes
In fact I would like to form inside the identity when I typed in the field monitoring towers come in the form
“tracking tricks”
Today I have to learn first the form “identity”, close and then fill out the form “tracking tricks”
I actually like it y’ai a link between the 2 forms to enter all the information from only the form
“identity” as such in the application “StoreIt pro” for iPhone.
I think tapforms is very well done (category, icon) and be even better if I could do that.
Regarding my second question, I just want to know if there is a user manual in PDF format.
Thank you in advance
Best regards
January 30, 2010 at 11:06 AM #3920
BrendanKeymasterHello Franck,
I understand what you are asking for. It is a feature request near the top of my to-do list. What you’re asking for is a relationship field type where one form can be related to another. I do plan to add this, but it’s not there just yet.
Also, there is no PDF manual. I do have a couple of screencasts on my website which explains how to use Tap Forms. Plus there is some helpful information in my blog and on this forum. My apologies that it’s not all combined into a single document. I know that is something I need to create.
January 30, 2010 at 12:05 PM #3921
KYFRAN1511ParticipantBrendan thank you for your reply
Your application is really well designed and will be complete with:
field “Class” of 1 x * -> 10 x *
so that we can better assess the performance
and liaison between the forms.
Is it also possible to have calculated fields?
What’s great is being able to email the form contents, because in my case when the competition is over,
coach directly receives the report.
I’ll note 5 stars your application, I hope that your update will take into account the connection between forms.
Congratulations for your work
best regards
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