How do you find the average of the numbers in several fields???
I have several complex scripts in Filemaker, which I find cannot be done in Tap Forms such as inputting a message into a field IF a number in a field is < or > than a certain number or IF an average number is too far off from other average numbers in other fields of averages. From what I can tell, this cannot be done and it’s back to Filemaker.
Let’s just start with finding an AVERAGE. I would like to find the average of numbers in several fields; but only IF there is a number in each field.
ie – the AVERAGE of 100 fields containing 5, blank, 4,4,3,5, blank, blank, blank, blankā¦ is 4.2 (the blank fields don’t count as ‘0’)
How can this be done????
Hi Opi,
You can ask Tap Forms to calculate the Average by selecting Average from the Summary Calculation function on a Number or Calculation field.
There’s no IF statements for non-numeric values. So you can’t have a text value injected into a field based on a comparison. FileMaker has a huge scripting language built-in to it so that’s why they’re able to do advanced stuff like that. I have a basic math parser in Tap Forms that can do some things, but not as much as FileMaker.
An IF statement would look like this:
IF(Price > 100, 1.05, 0.0)
That will return 1.05 if the Price is greater than 100. Otherwise it will return 0.