I have a form I use as a TODO list. Instead of marking things as “done” using a check mark I delete the record. Recently I emptied my TODO list and the TODO form disappeared. I realized what’s happening is that forms with zero records are hidden from the form list unless the forms list switcher is set to “All Forms” (this happens on both iOS and Mac apps). I feel like this behavior is incorrect, forms with zero records should still appear unless I specifically set the “Hide Form” option.
Hi Cristian,
That’s by design. The My Forms list only shows forms that aren’t hidden and have 1 or more records within them. It’s been that way since version 1.0 of Tap Forms for iPhone.
I feel this is counterintuitive. Why should an empty form be hidden?
So that you can have a way of preventing unused forms from cluttering up the list of forms without having to delete them and without having to go through each and explicitly hiding them.
Like in the Sample Forms document where there are a bunch of forms to choose from on the All Forms list, but just the ones that have records in them show on the My Forms list.