DB corrupted

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  • Author
  • January 21, 2017 at 5:38 PM #20834

    David Gilbert

    The electricity went out when I was working in Tap Forms. The file of the Form I was working on is still 13.9 MB, but when I open it it says No Records,

    Can this be recovered? I do have a backup from five days ago.

    Thank you,

    January 21, 2017 at 11:47 PM #20837


    Hi David,

    I’m sorry for the power failure and the database file problem.

    Do you have Time Machine? If so then you can restore to a more recent version of the database.

    Have you been syncing with Cloudant? If so, then when you restore your document from the backup, even if it’s 5 days old, it will be brought up-to-date by Cloudant automatically.

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