I have repeatedly hit a stumbling block with using TapForms. I need more ability to put in date related calculations.
For instance, I need to calculate the time resulting from adding 20 hours to TIME X. (TIME X is a previous field in the form.)
Can this be done? How?
Hi Christie,
Yes this can be done. You just have to know one thing about Tap Forms. All date calculations use seconds as the units.
So if you want to add 20 hours to a time, then you need to get your field and add 20 x 60 x 60 to it. Because there’s 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour.
So your formula is: 20 * 60 * 60 * [Time Field]
Um, wouldn’t that be 20*60*60 + [Time Field] ?
Oops. Yes you’re right Mike. My brain fart.