Conditional Show/Hide Feature Request

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  • May 6, 2017 at 2:08 PM #22962


    It would be beneficial to be able to have conditional logic options on fields so that if another field/checkbox/radio button/etc is set to some option the field could be shown or hidden. A functionality I saw in Gravity Forms for WordPress really worked well.
    Maybe something for TapForms 6?

    May 6, 2017 at 3:56 PM #22965


    Thanks for the feature request.

    May 7, 2017 at 9:54 PM #22984

    Mike Schwartz


    If you are trying to hide the field for particular records when printing, you could do that by creating a calculation field and using it on a separate layout for printing:

    1) Create a calculation field with this formula: IF([hide_field1_checkbox]=1, “”, [field1]) with Result Type set to Text.
    2) On your Printing layout, omit the checkbox field and use the calculation field instead of field1.

    You could also hide the field label by faking the label with another conditional calculation field: IF([hide_field1_checkbox]=1, “”, field1_label_text)

    — Mike

    May 7, 2017 at 11:09 PM #22988


    No, not printing. In the app itself.

    May 8, 2017 at 6:50 AM #22993

    Mike Schwartz


    The field in question would also be “hidden” while viewing that layout on the screen. But of course the user could switch to the default layout and view the original field that contains the information.

    What is your use case? Who are the “actors” and what are they trying to accomplish?

    May 8, 2017 at 8:47 AM #22996


    I know that in the past what some customers have requested is a cascading dropdown menu of sorts. So if you select a value from a Country field, the next field would display a list of Provinces for that specifically selected country.

    Or if they selected some medical condition from a list, the next field would ask them questions that were specific to that selected value from the previous field.

    But that’s getting into a whole new complicated form of interaction that has to be developed in a generic way so as to function for any kind of scenario. A big job for sure.

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