Changing a forms and re-syncing

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  • August 17, 2016 at 9:56 PM #18775

    Andrew Mead

    Hi All,

    Does anyone know if when you change a form, say add a new field in v5 do you always have to resend the document to the other devices that have tap forms on them, like an iPad

    or to put this another way does the syncing (im doing it via cloudant) only sync records and not form elements



    August 18, 2016 at 12:07 AM #18778


    Everything is synced. Records, forms, fields, etc.

    If a field isn’t showing up after you add it on another device, close the document and open it again. It could possibly be a refresh issue.

    August 19, 2016 at 7:54 AM #18820

    Walter Johnson

    I’ve made a lot of changes to my database structure and it synced fine to my other devices.

    I do a different kind of database programming at work so I know a bit about what is involved and it is always a bit freaky for me to see massive database changes sync across all my devices with the data. Pretty darn cool.

    August 19, 2016 at 2:05 PM #18838


    Walter, that’s the beauty of the design of Tap Forms. Tap Forms is really a database on top of a database. And in fact, Couchbase Lite which I’m using now is also a database on top of a database. It’s a NoSQL database grafted on top of your plain vanilla SQLite database engine. The beauty of Couchbase Lite, other than it’s built-in sync functions, is that it’s a NoSQL engine that stores all its data as JSON documents in the database. That means if I add a new feature (say a new property to the Field or Form object), then it automatically syncs those changes across devices. No need to do any database migration procedures to modify the table structure of the database. With the old version of Tap Forms I used to have to maintain a big sequence of database migration code to migrate the database structure from one version to another. No longer needed now.

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