I cannot bring up anything by searching for the symbol ‘&’. In my case I have husband & wife members listed in one record when they share an email address. i.e. Bob & Mary. I run a search for First Name contains & and I get nothing. If I search for & anywhere in a record, I still get nothing. I even tried putting the “&” in quotes. Still no results.
Maybe it’s because & means logical AND in the search?
The problem actually stems from the use of the SQLite FTS search engine. The FTS search engine strips out all punctuation before it indexes the content. That’s not something I’m doing specifically though. Consequently, it won’t allow you to search for punctuation. Sorry about that.
OK, thanks. I’ve solved the issue by changing the & to and – and then when I search, I search for “and” in quotes so I don’t get names like Andy and Andrea. Just 100 records to change! LOL. It worked fine in Bento and that’s why I changed them all to ‘&’ in the first place.
I don’t suppose there is a global search and replace feature?? JK