Hi all,
I’m a bit rusty on database work and could do with some guidance.
I’m trying to create a simple? database of items Photo, name, part number, etc. These parts are bought from up to say five different suppliers, each with a different price (This bit I have done – easy!). Now I want to create a field/search/subform that lists items with the lowest suppler price.
Any assistance gratefully received.
Hi Dave,
Could you just sort your records by price so you would see the lowest prices at the top of your list of records?
Thank you for your reply Brendan,
Maybe I should expand a bit. Using say a coffee drink example.
OK, coffee is made from:
Now these items cost different amounts from different stores so in just this one example, just picking water the water costs:
ASDA = £0.18
Tesco = £0.21
Aldi = £0.17
Sainsburys = £0.25
From this example Aldi is the cheapest with £0.17. The milk, coffee and sugar might be cheaper in different stores.
What I’m trying to achieve is a parts list of a number of items with a preferred suppler for each item.
So when I buy say milk, the database will display the cheapest supplier for that part from a list of maybe four.
I’m not sure whether I need a couple of tables, one picking the lowest cost supplier.
Hope that helps define better what I mean.
Thank you so much.
Dave :)