Calculate latest record date from child record – UPDATE

Tap Forms – Organizer Database App for Mac, iPhone, and iPad Forums Using Tap Forms Calculate latest record date from child record – UPDATE

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  • July 11, 2017 at 2:33 PM #23701


    Dear Brendan,

    A few months ago I asked you how I could calculate the latest date of a record of a related database. You said this was not possible, but Mike Schwartz stepped in and offered a solution, which works fine, but for some reason TapForms does not automatically calculate this “Last Date” field.

    Let me explain:
    I have a form called Patients with all my patients’ info and a related form called Visits with my patients’ individual visits.
    According to Mike’s suggestion I have created a new calculation field on my Visits form named “Date_Number” with the simple formula [Date_of_Visit] and Result Type=Number.
    I have then created a new calculation field named “Last_Visit” on my Patients form
    with this calculation
    DATE(MAX( Visits::Date_Number ),”dd/MM/YYYY”)
    the calculation works fine and I can see the result of my Date_Number field on the Visits form, but for some reason the calculation is not automatically triggered
    I have to do it manually for one record and it works for all the records that have been altered thus far…

    Is there a way to trigger the calculation automatically in real time as records are added to the Visits form?

    Many thanks for any help offered

    July 11, 2017 at 3:09 PM #23706


    Hi George,

    I replied in your other post where you asked the same question. The refresh button will cause all of the formulas to be recalculated without you having to go and edit the formula itself.

    July 23, 2017 at 11:21 AM #23752


    This is an exciting development. I tried it but couldn’t get it to work. I think I need to try it again with a simpler example than the one I was using.

    Is this documented anywhere?

    July 23, 2017 at 2:10 PM #23759

    Mike Schwartz


    I’m not really sure what you’re referring to when you say “this” and “it”, but here is the link to the original thread on this topic, to which Brendan referred:

    Calculate latest record date from child record

    Hope that helps.

    — Mike

    July 23, 2017 at 2:58 PM #23760


    it = “calculating latest record date from child record”
    this = “calculating latest record date from child record”

    Thanks for the link. I’ll check it (the link) out.

    Please forgive my snarkiness; I’m having a bad day.

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