Automator Scripting/Auto Folder Creation


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  • July 28, 2022 at 8:58 AM #47672


    Hi Brendan,

    Have been looking for a solution but don’t even know if its possible to add a script button to trigger an “Automator” workflow.

    What I would like in my “Job Sheet” Form is to have a button to trigger an auto folder creation for the job number that was generated with a new Job Sheet.



    July 28, 2022 at 11:46 AM #47673

    Daniel Leu

    Is it possible? Yes! Is it easy? Not exactly!

    This is something I have been looking at in the past, but never spent time on implementing it.

    You need to create a custom URL scheme that runs your AppleScript. Here is one simple example on how to do this:

    Then in TapForms, you can create a form script that calls your script using the registered custom URL with something like Utils.openUrl("custom://something-I-dont-need?param=Hello");. My example uses the custom URL shown in the example above. As you see, you can use parameters to provide an argument to your AppleScript. Another option is to use the clipboard (eg, Utils.copyTextToClipboard("Some text").

    All that is left is assigning the form script to a script button in your custom layout. That’s it. Good luck!

    July 28, 2022 at 1:20 PM #47674


    thank you! will try tomorrow!

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