I’m sorry if this question has been answered in the past, but I couldn’t really find anything with at least a quick search.
I am overhauling an old database (because I had been using Tap Forms on iOS only and am just now that I purchased the MacOS version beginning to understand how powerful this amazing tool is—thank you for that, Brendan!) and created a new field in order to filter my data in more useful ways than before. I chose a text field with a pick list as input. What I would like to do now is to assign the various pick list values to my already existing records, and I would be happy if I did not need to go through all of them one by one.
Is there a way to assign one pick list value to the field, but for multiple records at the same time? I could have imagined that maybe selecting the records in Multi-Column view and choose the value from the dropdown-picklist would work, but it doesn’t. Is there any trick to doing this, or does this feature just not (yet?) exist?
Thank you!
Hi EW A,
Yes, you can do this. You almost had it in fact.
Switch to the multi-column list view. Set the value for the first record. Then select that cell and all the cells down below it. Then choose the Fill Down option from the Edit menu. Tap Forms will copy the value from the first selected cell down to the other selected cells. You can also drag the little yellow handle that appears when you hover the mouse over a cell.
I’m glad you’re enjoying Tap Forms 5 for Mac!