Airdropped doc doesn't appear

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  • December 18, 2018 at 1:06 AM #32768

    Peter Lee

    I have a document (circa 200 MB) that ran on a MacBook and 2 iPads. I have recovered the document and resynced on the MacBook and 1 iPad, but I can’t get the document onto the 2nd iPad. AirDrop seems to send document okay but it doesn’t appear automatically in Tapforms on the iPad, so I have nothing to sync to. Can you help please?

    December 18, 2018 at 1:51 PM #32781


    Hi Peter,

    Make sure before you send via AirDrop that you close the currently opened document. It should appear on the main Documents view.



    December 19, 2018 at 9:56 AM #32845

    Peter Lee

    Thanks Brenden

    Left overnight it eventually appeared! It is a large document with 13 forms and 3200 records in the main one. It may interest you to know that it is a plant database that I started in the 1990s with Lotus Approach (dBase IV), migrated to MS Access (for about 15 years) and then to Tapforms. Access is very powerful but Tapforms on Mac/IOS is so much more convenient.

    Thanks for that, Peter

    December 19, 2018 at 6:04 PM #32851


    Hi Peter,

    How big is your database file? AirDrop doesn’t take all that long, unless it’s going over Bluetooth. WiFi should be fast enough to transfer many hundreds of megabytes within a minute or two.

    But I’m glad you got it over there.

    Alternatively you can use iTunes File Sharing to transfer between a Mac and iOS devices.



    December 20, 2018 at 1:18 PM #32880

    Peter Lee

    Hi Brendan

    The document is just over 200MB and it does take a long time to resync with each device (hours rather than minutes). But once it has synced, it is quick to keep up with the changes.

    My present solution is to turn off iCloud and use nearby to catch up, but I am nervous about which device is going to be treated as the ‘correct’ version.


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