Beginner level alert! :)
I use the sync so that the MacOS version of my database gets updated on my iPhone. But what happens if I modify stuff on the iOS version? Are the modifications then synced to the Mac? Or is it only one way (from Mac to iPhone)?
Note: The sync is done on iCloud and I have the same value (db-8640…) on each device.
Thanks for you help.
Hi Olivier,
Sync with iCloud is bidirectional. So changes you make on iOS should eventually make their way to the Mac version.
Nice, so I can make changes on the iOS version and they won’t be lost.
Thanks so much, Brendan.
Be sure to make regular backups though. Always a good idea. They won’t happen automatically.
Definitely. Now, I do a backup every time I’ve added and/or changed stuff.
As the French saying goes, a scalded cat fears cold water.