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Search Results for 'recover'

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  • #25919

    Do you see any of your missing fields on the new “Recover deleted items…” function on the Mac version?


    The … in the menu item implies that you’ll be shown an alert or another window. That’s standard fair for most Mac apps. So it’s safe to select it without actually doing anything.

    You’ll see a window appear that lists the forms, fields, and records that you can click on. Tap Forms will show you some basic data on the right side about the selection. There’s a Recover button there that will recover the selected data. If you have lots of records to recover you can shift-click to select a bunch of them, then click the Recover button to do it all at once.

    It’s from all time, not just since your last session. I’m sure after customer feedback I’ll start to add more features to that screen such as a search field or to be able to search based on a date range. But it’s just the beginning.

    Jonathan Levin

    Thanks Brendan.

    Does that “Recover deleted items” just recover the last deleted item, or everything from the entire session that TF is open. Or is there some sort of option that asks what you want to recover.

    I’d just like to be able to recover something that was deleted a minute or two from deletion, not everything I’ve done in say the last hour, or time that TF has been open, if that makes any sense.

    I was afraid to use that menu item because I wasn’t sure and didn’t want to recover a whole bunch of stuff I actually meant to delete.

    Thanks again.


    Hi Jonathan,

    The latest Tap Forms 5.2.3 for Mac has a new “Recover deleted items…” command in the File menu.

    So not directly an undo function, but you can recover your deleted data from there.


    I’ve been using Nearby Sync since I upgraded to TapForms 5. It mostly works (between Mactop and iOS devices).

    Occasionally, photos I put in records on my iPhone don’t sync properly to the Mac database. The placeholder is there, but no photo.

    And, once that happens, TapForms won’t try to get the photo on a subsequent sync, because it doesn’t perceive a change in the record on the iOS device (there hasn’t been one) and it thinks it’s got the photo.

    Thoughts on what the problem is/how to prevent it/how to recover from it?



    I’m running all of the latest versions of Tap Forms across my iMac, MacBook, iPad and iPhone. I’ve had some sync issues before which resulted in my database ending up broken (random records just disappeared and no apparent way to recover them). I restored the database from an old back up and re-entered the data so it’s all up to date again.
    However, my database doesn’t seem to sync across from the macOS devices to my iOS devices.

    I backed up the database, disabled, deleted and then reenabled the iCloud sync on all devices but all I get is syncing between the macOS devices. Nothing is coming up on the iOS ones. I created a test document on my iPhone and that is now appearing on both my macOS devices but still not on the iPad.

    I’ve checked that all of my devices are running on the same iCloud account and that Tap Forms has access to use the iCloud Drive but I’m still stumped as to why it’s not syncing properly.

    Mario Biondi

    It says in the manual: “The data is not gone, it’s just stored in a different column in the database”. Where is this column? Can I recover my data from there? MTIA for an answer

    Stan TAYLOR

    Hi Brendan.

    If you’re able to reliably repeat this issue, I would love to know how to cause this to happen myself.

    I have now, may times, retraced the steps used to recreate the situation described above and thankfully it has not occurred again.

    I’m really not sure what you mean by this. Tap Forms 4 was for iOS only and didn’t have a find and replace function. Nor did the previous Mac 3.5 version.

    Sorry for the confusion, I was attempting to refer to the previous version of TF for the Mac, and should have said TF version 5.

    And I’m not sure if it was an entire database document that “resurface” or just a single form within the database that reverted back to a different version.

    It was noticed that the File Size was very much smaller than the then genuine current Database.
    I was too concerned with recovering the proper file and failed to examine the ‘ghost’ fully.

    And I’m not sure if it was an entire database document that “resurface” or just a single form within the database that reverted back to a different version.

    Sorry about the confusion by the use of the term Form. I used this because when the My Forms button is hit, in my case, 10 Databases are available. I do mean that the entire Database resurfaced. I will use Database(s) in future.

    If you’re referring to an entire database document reverting back to a previous version, can you confirm you don’t have a duplicate copy of it somewhere on your drive that you were perhaps editing instead?

    On the first occasion I cannot be sure that there was not an old copy of the Database on my Mac or in iCloud. Prior to the second occasion Onyx was used to carry out quarterly maintenance. On the second occasion I am absolutely sure that only the current version Database and BackUp existed, even the Trash had been emptied.
    Could the ‘ghost’ have been hiding in the iPhone or iPad?

    When Editing the Database the Field in question was left intact until it’s Data had been copied to a replacement Field. This is why I was attempting to use Advance Find and Replace. After the copying was completed the unwanted Field was Deleted.

    I can accept this is possibly ‘user error’ and it would be useful to have reference to a Best Practice Document, in this instance containing guidance on dealing with redundant files with a view to avoiding future problems.

    Thanks for your very prompt and efficient attention.

    Mark White

    I’ve recovered some of the data from an archive that was about two weeks old. I’ll have to recreate everything that was added since then. Since I am unable to open 4 different versions of the file that I recovered from Time Machine, I believe that Tap Forms had been saving a corrupted file every time I made a change, but I never knew it because I never opened the saved file – I just left it running all that time and added things now and then. The problem didn’t appear until the computer shut down, and then it couldn’t open the current file or any recent Time machine backups.

    Have you seen anything like this before?


    Topic: NEED HELP

    in forum Using Tap Forms
    Cathie Turner

    I would happily pay someone who really understand how to sync/back up/etc for an hour of telephone consulting. After which I intend to go to the App Store and write a glowing report os the software when it works and a damning report about TapForms software. Yes I have read the PDF and yes I have watched the videos. I am still trying to recover from a problem Tapforms had last year and with which they were no help. I am in Southern California.

    Peter Laundy

    Still having problems recovering from this issue.

    I worked on the version I wrote you about to add back the lost new records to by Image Usage Rights Form, and to add the lost adjustments to a few of its pick lists and to field order. Throughout this work, all the pick-list and field order changes stayed stable: once I changed them I was able to use them on the lost image rights records I again added again as well as to edit the records that had not been lost to take advantage of the pick-list and field order changes. I then backed up.

    Coming to it today, launching Tap Forms and opening my file in the “open recent” dropdown as well as opening the backup .zip file, I find that in both the new records are there but none of the pick-list or field order changes came through. These have reverted back to earlier versions.

    Basically, it is giving me false confidence that my adjustments to form design are working by accepting them and letting me use them to create new records and edit old ones, and then not saving them on closing down Tap Forms.

    I thought one of the features of Tap Forms is that it gives one the flexibility to adjust forms as you learn how they can be improved by using them. Is that not the case?

    Kelvin Williams

    I’d also like this. I am often inadvertently deleting data when selecting on my iPhone and have to come out and back without saving to recover the data. Makes me nervous.

    Mike Schwartz

    Thanks for the thoughtful and detailed reply. My use case involved exporting to myself to aid in recovery from a potentially corrupted DB document. Hopefully that’s rare. I see your point about aliases not being useful generally if you’re sharing with another person. Perhaps an exception to that would be for two people with separate accounts on the same machine, and the aliases point to files contained in a shared folder. Or what about aliases that point to files on a server or NAS, available to multiple parties?

    Thanks for clarifying the constraints on searching for file attachments.

    I performed the “transplant surgery” for the Attachments folder, and it actually worked! Before doing so, I manually reconstituted the attachments (aliases) for a single record in my new DB document, and then compared its Attachments folder to the one inside the old DB document. Each had an identically-named subfolder beginning with “fld-“, and an identically-named sub-subfolder beginning with “rec-“. So I kinda suspected that things might just work with the transplant.

    One minor peculiarity after the transplant was that the icons in the File Attachments field were regular PDF file icons without the little “arrow badge” that indicates an alias. That bothered me enough that I ended up deleting and reconstituting all the attachments for the 9 records involved. Surprisingly, that had the secondary effect of eliminating the cosmetic bug I reported earlier, where sometimes the attachment icons would disappear until I briefly hovered the cursor over the item.

    So all is good, now. Thanks again.


    Topic: DB corrupted

    in forum Using Tap Forms
    David Gilbert

    The electricity went out when I was working in Tap Forms. The file of the Form I was working on is still 13.9 MB, but when I open it it says No Records,

    Can this be recovered? I do have a backup from five days ago.

    Thank you,


    Hi Brendan,

    On my side this problems also happens on the single column view. Not sure about the text inspector tool bar on or off.

    I lost key data recently due to this bug, but I was fortunate to be able to recover through back up.

    My workflow relies a lot on your software and I am very annoyed about its reliability. Not sure what to do.

    Thanks a lot for feed-back,

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