I’ve been trying to export one of my forms as a .csv
If I select the arrow icon and export records, the form pauses, asking me to please wait, then the app crashes
If I select the same arrow and choose to email records, the .csv file attached to the email is either incomplete (2-7 out of 110 records) or contains only 2 records duplicated
Or, if use the iTunes file share functionality via a backup file, the result is the same as the email problem.
Any suggestions please?
Could you please email me your TapForms_db.sqlite file to support @ tapforms.com? I’d like to see what’s going on with this.
Does this still happen with the recently released version 3.0.4?
I’ve got your database file now so I’ll be testing it shortly.
I think the problem is that you have a circular dependency between your forms. That is, Form A -> Form B -> Form A. Or in your case, Abbreviations -> Abbreviations.
That’s causing Tap Forms to go into an infinite loop exporting your records because it needs to fetch all records from all linked forms.
Any chance you can break the link?
As soon as I removed the link from Abbreviates to Abbreviations, the export worked.