Hi Brendan
I have just had a problem sending a new document. The doc was created on my MacBook, and I wanted to send it to my MacMini (in preparation for auto-sync via IBM Cloudant).
The sending and receipt worked as expected, and the document opened correctly on my Mac Mini. However, it was not listed in the Database Documents Window on the Mac Mini. I could re-open it, using File/Open Recent. Upon searching for the file, I found it in the Downloads folder. I then moved it to the folder “/Users/johnscoble/Library/Containers/com.tapzapp.tapforms-mac/Data/Documents”, where all the other documents are stored, and it appeared in the Database Window.
Is this what you would expect? Would it normally be transferred by AirDrop to the Downloads folder? Are my existing documents not stored in the right place? If so, where should they be, and how do I point the Database Window to a new location?
The nearest comment I can find on the help fileĀ is sending from IOS, where it says that for the recipient device, the document should appear in the main Documents View (Documents Window?).
Many thanks, John
AirDrop on the Mac version always transfers the file to the Downloads folder. I have no control over that. Whereas when sending to iOS, when the operating system receives a .tapforms document, since Tap Forms is registered as the opener for that document type, Tap Forms gets launched and then Tap Forms knows to move that file automatically to it’s own local Documents folder. But on macOS you have to do this yourself.
You can just drag it into the main Database Documents window and it will put it into the right place in the Finder for you.
Thanks for the confirmation, Brendan.
May I suggest an addition to the Manual, detailing this?
Thanks again for a superb system.
With best wishes, John
Speedy update indeed, Brendan. Thanks