Please informe if you can a plan to have in serch more than one critteria. It is big help if we have 3 criteria.
Hello Pav,
It’s something that’s been requested before and something that I know I need to add. It’s just a matter of time to get it done.
I see somethink else
If i searce from (Forms) hecant sort years and dates.
If i search from (search) search on every forms sort ok.
Its possible to sort years and date write in forms search???
Hello Pav,
I’m looking into the sorting issue now. I’ve found a couple of bugs with sorting which I am fixing now.
I too think being able to search by multiple criteria would be a good feature. Also, I would like to search for items where a checkbox has been checked.
I bought Tapforms and use it mostly for my own custom beer database. I have checkboxes for whether a beer is unfiltered, smoked, or oak aged and it would be nice to be able to search and bring up a list of smoked beers, for example. It would also be nice to be able to search by rating so I could bring up a list of the beers I’ve rated as 4 stars and above.