Dear Brendan,
Tapforms on iPhone for Join Form Record List, it displays all the fields & I have to scroll a lot to find what I need. Is possible to select to list just the fields that I need in Mac version?
Hi Wongalain,
Not at the moment because it just displays all of the fields from the child form, but it’s definitely something I should build support for.
I’ve just added support for this. You can enable or disable the fields on the Mac version and it’ll use the same settings on the iOS version. I haven’t written an interface for the iOS version yet to allow you to configure that.
Dear Brendan,
Merry Christmas!!
You are hard working.
I have selected to show a few fields only on My iMac, but it still show all fields on my iPhone.
How can I use the function? Or I should wait until the next update?
Merry Christmas to you too!
You’ll have to wait for the next update. I only just added it today after I saw your request.