I’m seeing a couple of problems with the Calculation feature on Mac Version 2.2:
1) When editing Form Properties, the Field control for the Calculation always displays <Unspecified>. It can be changed to the desired field name to be used but that field name never sticks and always reverts back to <Unspecified>.
2) In ‘Multiple columns view’ the Calculation is nowhere to be found. In version 2.1 the Calculation was displayed on the right end of the toolbar under the records list, but that is not the case with version 2.2.
In ‘Single column view’ the specified Calculation is displayed properly at the bottom of the records list.
1. I am aware of this issue. It’s just a display issue as it is accepting your selected field.
2. Click on the Sigma button to display a row that contains all the field calculations you’ve setup. So instead of using the single form-level field calculation, you can setup a separate calculation for multiple fields.