Whwn I click the “phone” icon on a mac it opens a window and want me to sign in to Zoom. Am I doing something wrong?
Hi Jake,
Tap Forms just uses the “tel:” http scheme to tell the operating system what to do. Your Zoom software must have absconded the “tel:” http scheme. For me Tap Forms opens FaceTime when I click that.
However, if you have Skype installed, Tap Forms will use that instead.
Yes I realized that because after deleting Zoom Face time was opening. Is it possible to change that so for example Messages is opening instead?
You’d have to use some operating system level function for changing what apps are used for the various http schemes used. I seem to remember a long time ago there being a System Preference panel app which allowed you to change the default apps that responded to various http schemes. But I don’t remember what it was called.
On iOS if you tap on a phone number, it then asks you if you want to call or text the number and uses tel:
or sms:
appropriately. But I suppose it would be possible to add an option for each of these. But then again, you could use a Website Address field to accomplish that too.
Maybe I’m stupied but how would that formel be in a Website Address field?