Hi Brendan
hope you can help. I have a form with 38 records. Today I modified one of the searches which previously searched for a name in a text field to include a date filter. The initial attempt included a specific date using the filter “is exactly” I then changed it to “is in this period” and it crashed the app.
Now when I open the records I can see the filter is applied but it crashes the app.
I have duplicated the form and the duplicate has the same filter but the app does not crash.
How can I delete the filter and access the records. if I can’t without deleting is there any way to export the records so I can import them back into a uncorupted record.
I do not have a backup as the records use a GPS location and I was updating some of the info before backing up
Hi Vaughan,
Is this the Mac or iOS version?
If it’s the Mac version, you can enter int he following command into Terminal to prevent the last search from being selected on startup:
defaults delete com.tapforms.mac selected-outline-form-id
defaults delete com.tapforms.mac selected-outline-search-id
Then relaunch Tap Forms. You should have access to the backup function now as long as you don’t select anything.
If you want to send me the backup file I can try and find out why it’s crashing on you and fix it and/or come up with a permanent fix for it.
Hi Brendan
where can I send the file
Hi Brendan
You should receive a drop box link as the file is 75mb so it was too large to email
Got it. I’ve fixed your searches. It was due to switching from a fixed Date search to an “in the period” search.
I’ll email you the templates which you can import to update your existing forms. Should fix it for you.
Actually, the Dropbox email didn’t contain your email, so I can’t reply to it.
So can you email me directly so I know where to send the files?
All sorted another example of first class support
thanks Brendan