Multiple Groupings within a form


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  • Author
  • August 14, 2013 at 10:01 AM #6437



    I use Apple Contacts and have quite a few “Groups”. I’d like to be able to have all of these groups in Tap Forms. I’ve imported all of the contacts and set them up, but I need to select some to organize in groups (usually based on a field in their record, but some are in multiple groups). Is there a way to do that in Tap Forms?

    August 14, 2013 at 10:51 AM #6439


    Well, probably not the way you are thinking. If you used a multi-select pick list to put your contacts into multiple groups, if you group on that field, Tap Forms will generate a comma separated list of the group names to display in the list view. So for a movie example, if you had a movie which was both Action & Adventure and Sci Fi, you’d see something like this:

    Action & Adventure
    Movie A
    Movie B
    Sci Fi
    Movie C
    Movie D
    Action & Adventure, Sci Fi
    Movie E
    Movie F

    So although Movie E and F are in both categories, they don’t show up in the individual categories, but in the combined category.



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