Manual Sort

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  • June 27, 2024 at 11:45 AM #50851

    Harry Sugar

    Is there any way to do a manual sort? From my search of this forum I found that this is not possible, and if the sort settings are deleted, then no records are shown.

    Hare’s my use case. I have one form that contains all the gigs that our band has played and gigs we have planned. I have another form which contains all the songs that our band plays. From the gig form, there is a songs field whose type is Link to Form and the linked form is the songs form. The link type is many to many since each gig can have many songs and each song can have many gigs. Right now when I tap on the songs field, the songs for that gig are listed and sorted alphabetically by song title. I would like to manually sort them, for each gig, in the order that we played or plan to play them.

    Is this possible?

    June 27, 2024 at 6:21 PM #50852


    Hi Harry,

    The only way you could achieve this would be to add a Number field that you could call Sort Order. Then set the order you want to play the songs in and sort by that field. However, that would be a global sort order for the songs form and not an order for each gig. But I’ll think about adding a sort order property directly to the entity that manages the relationships.

    Alternatively instead of using a Link to Form field, you could add a Table field to your Gig form and then connect it to the Songs form. Then you can add your own Sort Order number field to the Table and then sort by that. Table fields contain copies of the data from the connected form, so you can change them and add additional fields to support the data in the table without it affecting the original form.




    June 27, 2024 at 7:34 PM #50853

    Harry Sugar

    Thanks, Brendan. So it is possible!

    As you suggested, I added a table field called Song List to the Gigs form and linked it to the Songs form. Then I added a new number field in the Song List table field called Order. Then I added the fields from the linked Songs form. I set the Order field as the sort order.  Then I added the songs to each gig record and populated the Order field with the number denoting the order. It worked perfectly.

    Thank you for quickly responding to my question and showing me how I can solve my issue.


    June 28, 2024 at 2:13 PM #50857


    Excellent! I’m glad the Table field was a viable solution for your form.

    Good luck on your gigs!



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