Losing images in the iOS version

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  • Author
  • May 21, 2024 at 8:22 AM #50741

    Olivier Ragasol


    The iOS version of my form — to which I sync from the MacOS version — has a number of illustrations missing, consistently, sync after sync.

    What could be the cause? Is there a solution? (I’m afraid that if I search the pictures again, they won’t be exactly the same and Tap Forms tries to sync them back into the MacOS version, thus creating unwanted duplicates.)

    And while we’re talking pictures, how can I delete pictures from the iOS version (sometimes, there are indeed duplicates) ?

    Olivier R.

    May 22, 2024 at 10:23 AM #50746


    Hi Oliver,

    I would suggest replacing the document on your iPhone with the version you have from your Mac. Use the Send Document command to send a new copy of the document to your iOS device(s).


    I’m working on a new version of Tap Forms that handles images and media differently, so this issue will be a thing of the past.



    May 24, 2024 at 6:12 AM #50749

    Olivier Ragasol

    Thanks, Brendan !

    I’ll try this solution.


    June 4, 2024 at 8:14 AM #50772

    Olivier Ragasol

    Hello again!

    So I did replace the document on my iPhone (iOS version: 16.7.8), using the Send document command, then sending it on the phone via Airdrop. I was asked if I wanted to open it in Tap Forms, which I did.

    But now, when I try to open the database from TapForms, from the Document(s) chooser, I get a window with the title on the database on top, a + sign prompting me to Add a form, and a message below in fine print saying no form. Once in a while, on this very window, the sync gets off, then stops.

    I don’t know if the document is there, if it’s empty, or what.

    What should I do now?

    June 6, 2024 at 7:13 PM #50777


    Did you remove the old version of the document first? If not, try that and then re-send it over from your Mac. To remove a document, close it by tapping the (v) button at the top-left. Then tap the Select button. Then tap the document to delete. Then tap the trashcan button.

    June 8, 2024 at 1:22 AM #50778

    Olivier Ragasol

    No, I haven’t. I’ll try that.

    Thanks Brendan!

    June 8, 2024 at 3:32 AM #50779

    Olivier Ragasol

    Done: it’s all there, complete with the 758 records and all the pictures!!

    Thanks so much. :)

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