Is it possible to insert a layout into another layout?
Meaning layout A as an object to be positioned on layout B.
Hi Julien,
No, that’s not a function that I’ve written. Interesting idea though. What’s your reasoning for wanting that?
Hi Brendan,
One use case I would like to achieve is to be able to build the layout of an invoice ready to print.
The layout A of the invoice can be composed of a) static text and maybe additional objects b) an inserted layout B which is the contact details of the recipient of the invoice, layout B being based on the records of the clients form.
Potentially the invoice could also leverage other layouts from other forms, or other fields from other forms, such as an amount field.
You can reference fields from other forms via a Calculation field, but only if there’s an inverse one-to-many (aka Link From Form) field on your form.
Thanks for the clarifications.