Format Concatenated Text

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  • October 12, 2021 at 2:35 PM #45465

    Anthony Compton

    I have a database that contains user login info. Once I create the login info I need to paste it into a text box in another program. The output I’m looking for is:

    UserName: TomT
    Password: password

    I’m using this to concatenate the info:

    CONCAT(“UserName: “; USERNAME;” “;
    “EMail: “; EMAIL; ” “;
    “Password: “; PASSWORD)

    I want to insert a carriage return where the ” ” are, I tried inserting the ASCII for CR with no luck. Suggestions?


    October 12, 2021 at 2:53 PM #45466

    Daniel Leu

    Try this: CONCAT("Line 1"; "\n"; "Line 2")

    October 12, 2021 at 5:00 PM #45467

    Anthony Compton

    Thanks! That got me most of the way there. For some reason the second and third line are indented by one space but I”m a lot closer than I was. Hopefully I can track down where the space is coming from.


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