Extracting contents of a table field

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  • December 7, 2020 at 12:18 PM #42805

    Victor Warner

    In a form I have a table field which contains a number of records.

    I wish to export the contents of a number of the fields to a CSV (or XLSX) file. But the table field are not exportable.

    Is possible to extract the contents of the table field into an another field through a script?

    In the attached document the table field (called ‘Third party charges’) contains two records:

    Legalisation agent (normal service) £24 1 £24.00
    FCO – apostille (normal service) £30 1 £30.00

    I would like to combine so they become in another field such as (for example):

    1. FCO – apostille (normal service): £30 x 1 = £30.00 – 2. Legalisation agent (normal service) = £24 x 1= £24.00

    Can a script do this and how would I do it?

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    December 7, 2020 at 3:27 PM #42807

    Daniel Leu

    Hi Victor,

    I created a new script field underneath the table and use following code:

    function Third_Party_Charges_Csv() {
    	// Fetch content from table
    	var third_party_charges = record.getFieldValue('fld-021cfb3cc4f446ddbf5f9463c7b5d620');
    	// Define field ids from table columns
    	const item_id = 'fld-410bdf5d624a4651b8a803becd9c6578';
    	const cost_per_item_id = 'fld-6cea4aa73ad44b6f91ba7f566e321790';
    	const number_id = 'fld-95791fbc24bd4f3ca714756e5dd6a060';
    	const cost_id = 'fld-a0be1b009c6a4a99a1784d36da134ee3';
    	var txt = [];
    	// Loop over all entries and fetch field content.
    	for (var n = 0; n < third_party_charges.length; n++){
    		var third_party_charge = third_party_charges[n];
    		var item = third_party_charge.getFieldValue(item_id);
    		var cost_per_item = third_party_charge.getFieldValue(cost_per_item_id);
    		var number = third_party_charge.getFieldValue(number_id);
    		var cost = third_party_charge.getFieldValue(cost_id);
    		// Format field content as desired
    		txt.push(n + ". " + item + ": £" + cost_per_item + " x " + number + " = £" + cost);
    	// Combine each formatted table row
    	return txt.join(" - ");

    If you want to import this as a CSV into a spreadsheet, you might run into an issue with the ‘-‘ character. It is used as line separater and inside the FCO item.

    Hope this helps!

    December 7, 2020 at 3:53 PM #42808

    Victor Warner


    Thank you very much!

    Just one question. The output produces:

    0. Legalisation agent (normal service): £24 x 1 = £24 – 1. FCO – apostille (normal service): £30 x 1 = £30

    That is starting at ‘0’ rather than 1.

    I assume the code is the following:

    for (var n = 0; n < third_party_charges.length; n++){

    but if I change this line to:

    for (var n = 1; n < third_party_charges.length; n++){

    the output is only:

    1. FCO – apostille (normal service): £30 x 1 = £30

    Is there a way to start the count at 1. and so both parts are outputted?

    December 7, 2020 at 4:04 PM #42809

    Daniel Leu

    We can fix this with the output format:

    txt.push((n+1) + ". " + item + ": £" + cost_per_item + " x " + number + " = £" + cost);

    December 8, 2020 at 9:02 AM #42817

    Victor Warner


    Thank you again for your help.

    December 8, 2020 at 10:25 AM #42820

    Daniel Leu

    Happy that it works for you, Victor!

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