Delete record based on checkbox

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  • Author
  • October 3, 2018 at 1:31 AM #30880

    Andrew Mead


    If anyone can help I would appreciate it

    I am trying to make a form that has only 2 fields, one of which is a checkbox. When the checkbox is ticked by the user I want Tap Forms to then delete that record.

    If this is not possible then to either hide the record (using saved search maybe)

    Thanks in advance

    October 3, 2018 at 11:47 AM #30891


    Hi Andrew,

    I would recommend using a Saved Search to filter the records which have been checked. That way you can either decide to delete them all in one go or have access to them later on.

    Alternatively you could use a Script field which will delete the record when the checkmark value changes.

    The only problem with that is it wouldn’t update the list right away to remove the record. You’d have to manually refresh the list of records.

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