Date Error When Exporting as Excel

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  • Author
  • November 8, 2017 at 7:14 AM #25821


    Greetings, Tap Forms!
    You encourage me–I enjoy using Tap Forms.
    I’m using Tap Forms 5.2.2 (build 867) on macOS 10.12.6. I’m opening the exported files with LibreOffice and Numbers 4.3 (5046).
    I keep a mileage log, and each record contains the date.
    I exported my log for last month. When I export it as a CSV file, the dates are correct. When I export it as an Excel file, each date is set to the day before, and include a time (23:00 in LibreOffice, and 10:59:59 PM in Numbers).
    I checked my exported file from one month ago, and the Excel dates are correct, and they do not include a time. So something changed in the last 30-45 days.
    Any ideas?
    Thank you,

    November 8, 2017 at 11:18 AM #25822


    Hi Peter,

    That’s odd. I have not modified the date format Excel export code since May 21st, 2016. I just checked my code and the only change I made back then was to account for an offset in time from GMT.

    I would be interested to know how Excel interprets your date files.

    Can you please email me a sample XLSX and CSV export so I can compare them using Excel?



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