I am getting to know how to use this app and the more I use it, the more I like it, but i found it unstable, in my iPhone 12, but a lot more in my 2018 iPad Pro. It is very frustating because when it crashes I always loose some information. In my last crash I lost some pictures added to another record, which it the first time it happens to me, but I am very worried, because I noticed it because the image was the icon for the entry, but if I loose another piece of information in any record that is not that visible I wouldn’t notice until it is too late.
Don’t know if it a common problem (instability issues) or it is only me. I am using 2 different db, so I guess that is an App problem and not a db problem.
Hi Rafael,
Is there a specific set of steps I can perform to cause the crash?
Not really, usually it happens when I am introducing data. When I finish I a field I press tab key to go yo he next one and 80% of times it crashes, for example. But I cannot find a pattern in the crashes. If I find one I will tell.
Ah… Well, I did recently fix a bug related to tabbing from one field to another when using an external keyboard. I haven’t yet published that release though.
Yes, this is one of my cases. I think that I am going to record my screen while using for you to see some crashes. They happens very often.
If you send me an email to support@tapforms.com I can give you access to TestFlight where you can download the beta and let me know if it works better for you.
I used the beta for this day long, and it is long way more stable than the public version. Congratulations for your work and thanks for let me in.
I bought the Mac Version on sunday :-D
The ‘tab’ bug in iOS has caused plenty of crashes for me too. Hard to pin down and seems quasi-random.
FWIW, I have also had hard crashes when using the date/time picker.