Contact records


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  • October 4, 2022 at 1:48 AM #48059

    Franck sina


    Would anyone know if it is possible to move a record from one Form to another ? I have my “contacts” regularly updating, and would like to move a person to a more specific form located in the same Database ?

    Thanks to all !


    October 7, 2022 at 12:03 AM #48064


    Hi Franck,

    There’s no function to directly move records from one form to another. Different forms can have a completely different set of fields, and each has their own unique internal ID that makes it not possible to directly move records from one form to another. At least that’s why I haven’t implemented the feature yet. At some point I may do that by having Tap Forms look at identical field names in the destination form, but I haven’t written that at the moment.

    The best way to manage something like this is to add Saved Searches which filter your contacts into separate sub-categories. For example, you could have a Contact Type field on your form which contains a Pick List that has such values as Friends, Colleagues, Family, Casual, and so on. Then you would create a Saved Search which filters for those values, thus letting Tap Forms do the work to have different types of contacts in different lists.

    Hope that helps.



    October 11, 2022 at 3:34 AM #48091

    Franck sina

    Thank you Brendan, it helps a lot ! (as usual).

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