is it possible to set conditions while using calculation fields?
i.e. I do have e.g. the seperate fields <name>, <name-mother>, <name-father>.
The fields <name> and <name-mother> are always set, the field <name-father> only sometimes.
Now I want to fill a 4th field <name-full> calculated as follows:
<name> + “, ” + <name-mother> (if_not_empty(<name-father>): + ” & ” + <name-father>)
Is this possible?
If not, are you thinking about adding “rules” or “conditions”?
Hi Marc,
Hmm… Well, there is a rudimentary “IF” statement function within the Math Parser that I use. It works like this:
IF([Price] < 10, 1.0, 1.05)
If the value of the Price field is less than 10, it will return 1.0, otherwise it will return 1.0.5. That's basically how it works.
But I don't think it will work with text field types because it's a math operator and not a string function. So there's no "if_not_empty" type functions in the math parser.